Fitting Shoes Properly
For eighty-five years, Stride Rite has been designing and engineering kids footwear for children. Why choose a first walker shoe from anyone else? Stride Rite Infant Shoes feature a natural motion system, which encourages and enhances a baby's natural stride path. Stride Rite researched jointly with the medical community and confirms that barefoot walking is beneficial for baby. The Stride Rite® Baby Natural Motion System™ provides the closest choice to barefoot.
When shopping for a first walker mom needs to remember that this will be a new experience for your growing baby. If this turns out to be a bad experience shopping for the next pair of shoes may be more difficult. It is important to make baby's first shoe purchase special. When shopping for infant shoes try these simple suggestions:
When measuring your baby's foot for proper fit try not to use a cold metal foot measuring device.
Select a shoe that is marginally larger than your child's foot. To much room will cause the feet to move around inside the shoes and make walking more difficult.
Never force a shoe on a baby's foot. If it goes on hard, sooner or later they will not let you put it on.
Have someone distract your baby when trying on their first pair of shoes. Having a favorite toy close by always helps.
Remember to have fun and do not be afraid to leave and come back later if your baby gets to frustrated. A Stride Rite fit specialist should know when to stop. When shopping for shoes, Stride Rite baby stages are designed to stimulate barefoot movement. Stride Rite's collection of kids shoes help strengthen your babies feet and provide balance for walking. Why choose any other brand when it comes to your babies first pair of shoes? After 85 years Stride Rite has it right.
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