Online Shopping Strategies
Do you ever get confused shopping on-line? There are so many sites out there it is difficult to find the good ones where you can get a deal at a great price. When searching in Goggle for example, the top listed sites are not always the best sites to buy from. Sometimes these sites spend a lot of money advertising and those costs eventually make its way into the price of the product that you are buying. Keep in mind that 'nothing is free'! If it is free then the price is built into the product that you are buying. Free shipping is good for allowing you to compare prices between web sites without having to checkout to see the hidden shipping costs. However, the post office charges for shipping so you have to assume that you are paying for it when you check out. Compare prices between sites. Shop for the lowest price and forget about everything else. You will often find that great prices on are on the smaller to medium size sites. The larger the site, the more overhead. Buying from a site with a physical store can often times be better. You will find that the brick and mortar aspect gives the company more creditability and they are often times more willing to deal with you if you have an issues. Dealing strictly with a web business can be frustrating when you need the customer service.
The best advise is shop price, then compare the free stuff and if they are still close buy from the one that has a brick and mortar store.
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