Teach your child how to tie their shoes
Many children get frustrated when trying to learn how to tie shoelaces. While there's no miraculous solution other than patience and lots of practice, there are ways that you can help your child acquire this useful skill.
1. Wait until your child is ready. Most children develop the dexterity needed to tie shoelaces between the ages of 4 and 6. Girls are often ready to learn slightly earlier than boys.
2. Make sure your child knows right from left before you try to teach him how to tie his shoes.
3. Choose one method of lace tying, and teach it consistently. Make sure that everyone who may be trying to help your child learn this skill is offering the same method. Otherwise, he may get confused.
4. Make up a game or poem to help your child remember the necessary steps.
5. Make sure that you and your child are side by side rather than opposite each other when you demonstrate. That way he'll be able to copy your movements rather than mirror them.
6. Give your child lots of praise when he gets it right.
To help your child differentiate left from right, try putting a sticker on one hand or tying a piece of yarn around one wrist.
One easy method of shoe tying is to have your child make two loops, then tie them together in a simple knot. This is easier than bow tying and just as effective.
If your child is left-handed and you aren't, try to find an adult lefty to help teach him this skill.
Be sure to teach your children how to do this, even though alternatives are available. Velcro shoes and elastic no lace laces may be fun for your kids, but they'll have to learn how to tie their shoes eventually, and basic knot and bow tying is a good skill to know.
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